Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
2 Analogue Channels and 16 Digital Channels
70MHz bandwidth
Record Length: 1M points/channel
Sample Rate Random 1G samples/s
Has USB Interface
Vertical Resolution 1 (Digital) bit, 8 (Analogue) bit
Minimum Time Base 4ns/div
Maximum Time Base 100s/div
Minimum Vertical Sensitivity 2mV/div
Maximum Vertical Sensitivity 5V/div
Rise Time 5ns
7 inch (180) mm LCD – Touch Screen
USB 2.0 host port for quick and easy data storage
USB 2.0 device port for easy connection to a PC
Tunable RF transceiver with full-duplex with 2×2 MIMO, capable for Communication systems, of center frequency from 70 MHz to 6 GHz up to 56 MHz bandwidth with USB 3.0 connectivity 15 MS/s maximum streaming rate. Compatible with LabVIEW Communications system Design Software.
NI USRP‑2901 for the following communications applications: white space, broadcast FM, public safety, land-mobile, low-power unlicensed device (ISM) bands, sensor networks, amateur radio, or GPS.

LPKF ProtoMat S62 Board Plotters PCB Machine
- Circuit board plotter for the production of prototype PCB’s and small series.
- Working area 229 mm x 305 mm x 27 mm.
- high-speed spindle motor, adjustable 10.000 – 40.000 rpm.
- 90-240V, 50-60Hz, 450W6
Bench Power Supply
- Number of Outputs: 3
- Output Current: 0 → 3
- (Channel 1) A, 0 → 3
- (Channel 2) A, 5 (Channel 3) A
- Type Digital
- Power Rating: 217W
- Supply Voltage 100/120/220 V ac, 230 V ac
- Number of Displays: 1
- Input Connector: 3 Pin Plug
- Calibrated RSCAL
- 4.3 inch LCD Display
- Output: ON / OFF
- Analog Control (Remote I/O) for Output ON / OFF
- Tracking series and parallel operation

Function Generator 20MHz USB
- Generate a variety of signals including waveforms, sine,
- triangle, square & LOGIC and TTL output.
- Internal and external AM & FM modulation, GATE,
- Minimum Frequency Range Sinewave: 0.001Hz
- Freq Range for Square Pulse and Arbitrary Waveform: 0.001 Hz → 20 MHz
- Digital Frequency
- Digital Amplitude and Offset
- Internal Linear and Log Sweep
- TTL Output Level 0 → 5V
3D Printer Panowin F1
- Efficient heating module can heat the nozzle from 0 to 200 centigrade within 2 minutes.
- Workspace: 120x120x150 mm.
- Ability to work as a Laser cutter.